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Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB)

Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking

What is EWRB?

In February 2017, the Ontario government introduced the Reporting of Energy Consumption and Water Use Regulation 20/17. This new regulation requires owners of commercial, multi-unit residential, institutional or industrial buildings over 50,000 square feet in size to report their property's water and energy usage on an annual basis.

Please see the Downloads tab for a copy of the regulation.

Are you prepared to meet the EWRB requirements?

As a building owner, you can give authorization for someone else to report on your behalf. Having successfully completed EWRB reporting for a significant number of properties across Ontario, we are uniquely equipped to streamline this process for you.

With over 30 years of experience providing energy and water solutions for multi-residential, industrial, commercial, and institutional properties, as well as local distribution company (LDC) programs, Finn Projects can help.

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